

Monday, April 28, 2014

Azuki BeaN Sweet Rice Dessert

I told you last week that Chef Azuki would teach us to prepare azuki bean "an" from scratch.  I never make anything from scratch, but I might just give this a try.  I like it that you can alter the amount of sugar you put in and play with the amount of water to create the consistency you desire for different types of desserts.

Azuki Bean Sweet Rice Dessert

1 C sweet rice
1 C Azuki Beans (dry)
4 C water (twice) + extra if needed
2/3 C sugar

1.  Soak beans for two hours in 4 C of water in a small pot
2.  In a rice cooker prepare rice according to package.  If you want it like rice pudding add half cup        extra water.
3. After 2 hours of soaking the beans remove any floating particles,  drain and put in another four cups of water in the pot.
4. Cook on medium heat for 1-2 hours, stirring it occasionally
5.  Add more water if it looks like it's evaporating too much
6.  Keep stirring and add sugar, gradually pouring it in as you stir constantly
7.  Heat to desired consistency
8.  Remove the pot from the heat and lightly grind the beans in a food processor, if desired
9.  Remove the rice from the rice cooker
10. Allow both to briefly cool and then mix together

You can use these beans for this sweet rice dessert, for the manju dessert from last week, or you can even pour over shaved ice with a little condensed milk for kintoki shaved ice. Chef Azuki and I both remember our moms making inverted manju with the rice in a ball and the "an" on the outside.  The ideas are simmering!   I'm sure you can think of more delicious treats.  Try it, you'll like it!

BeaNspirations:  Sometimes it's good to take your time and let your ideas simmer!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Azuki BeaN's Manju

Hello Friends!  Hope you had a nice Easter Sunday!  Chef Azuki had a nice time with her little BeaN creating a special treat for us all.   Try this special dessert!

Azuki BeaN Manju

1 cup butter (softened)
1/2 cup sugar
2 1/2 C flour
1/8 tsp almond extract
8 oz Azuki BeaN paste ("tsubushian") or 1/2 can ("an") or you can make your own.
1 egg (beaten)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2.  Lightly spray a baking pan or cookie sheet with non stick cooking spray
3.  In a bowl, cream butter and sugar with an electric mixer, then slowly add flour and
     then almond extract
4.  Take a small amount of dough and form 2 inch balls, then flatten
5.  Place 1-2 tsp of "an" in the center
6.  Fold the dough over and pinch into an oval shape.
7.  Place the seam side down on the baking sheet ( smooth side up)
8.  Brush the tops with egg
9.  Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown

What a treat!  Delicious with tea! Love that almond flavor!  We will post our recipe for homemade "an" soon.  Our little BeaNs were home for Spring Break so we've been busy Mamas!  They go back to school tomorrow.

Family time is a special time to create magic!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy Spring!!!!!

The Azuki BeaN Mamas wish you and yours a Happy Spring Holiday!!!!!!!  Our children are off for spring break so we're taking the week off and will resume our recipes next week.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Fun Fondant Cupcakes

What does Chef Azuki do to make her church bake sale spectacular?  With just some fondant, her cookie cutters, and of course, her great imagination, she  created these wild 'n wonderful creations!   This was her first time using the ready made fondant and she just rolled it out and cut out the shapes with the Japanese cutters she had and some other cookie cutters.  It reminds me of playing with playdough with the kids.  Fun, fun, fun!

Fun Fondant Cupcakes

BeaNspiration:  Have an extraordinary day creating fun wherever you go!