

Monday, December 17, 2012

Party Panko Chicken

Here’s a chicken recipe that works well for dinner or holiday parties.  The Azuki BeaN Mamas are preparing some today! 

Party Panko Chicken

3 lbs of chicken breasts
1½ C of flour
¼ C of oil (enough to cover chicken halfway up sides when frying)
3 eggs
3 C of Panko – Japanese style bread crumbs
1 C teriyaki sauce

1.     Cut the chicken breasts in half lengthwise.  This way you get thin filets so they will cook faster
2.     Get 3 pie tins or baking pan.  Set up one with flour, one with egg, one with panko
3.     Have a large skillet for oil and a smaller pan to heat teriyaki sauce
4.     Then assembly line style, the chicken goes from flour to egg bath to panko and into the oil
5.     The chicken should sizzle when it goes into the oil pan
6.     When it is golden brown move it to the simmering teriyaki sauce coating both sides, then on to a platter
7.     Add more flour, egg, panko, oil or teriyaki sauce as needed
8.     Let cool a little, and slice onto platter
9.     It’s ready to be served hot or at room temperature

This is yummy for a special occasion.  If we're just having dinner with our family we let the little BeaNs dip it in the sauce by themselves, sometimes using tonkatsu dipping sauce or just salt and pepper.   

We hope you enjoyed the recipes we’ve shared with you in 2012.  We’re taking time off until January 7th to be with our families and enjoy the holiday season.  Our hearts go out to those who may not have the chance to be their families this holiday or who may have lost someone this season.  The Azuki BeaN Mamas dream of peace and love for 2013!

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