

Monday, August 12, 2013

Funnel Cake

Chef Azuki and her little BeaNs went to the Fair!  They had fun and enjoyed the funnel cake so much that they decided they would try to make some at home.  The older brother likes Almond Milk so they tweaked out a recipe using almond milk for flavoring.  Try it, you'll like it!!!!!!

Funnel Cake

1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup vanilla flavored almond milk
3 T sugar
1 1/4 cup pancake mix
vegetable oil

1.  Whisk together all the ingredients
2.  Heat oil to medium in large pan.  About 1" of oil but not more than half up pan.
3.  Put in round circular open ended metal pan into oil
     (Chef Azuki used a pie edge protector that she had)
4.  Drizzle into the metal tube pan in oil
     (If not using a funnel it's best to pour from measuring cup or something with a spout)
5.  Pour in around the edge then lattice it inside the circle
5.  Let it fry
6.  When it's golden brown turn it over and fry the other side.
7.  Take out and cool a little then top with your favorite topping.  Whip cream, powdered sugar, or fruit.

Now it's ready to eat.  Delicious!

BeaNspirations:  Find inspiration wherever you go!

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