

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Fall is here! Today I went shopping at one of my favorite stores, and they were selling Fresh Brussels Sprouts!  I was so excited to serve this to my family tonight.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

1 stalk of fresh brussels sprouts
Organic olive oil
Garlic Salt

Preheat oven at 350 degrees
Wash off stalk of brussels sprouts
Pat dry
Place in large roasting pan
Drizzle on the organic olive oil
Sprinkle on garlic salt
Place in oven for 30-40 min
Put on a platter and enjoy!

I let my family cut off the ones they want to eat with a butter knife.  Yummy and tender!

Enjoy the moments with your family.  Memories will be created!

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