

Monday, June 24, 2013

Assorted Flavor Crescent Rounds

Do you have a household of independent thinkers?  Everyone has an opinion and everyone likes different flavors? Or are you having a kid's sleep over and don't know what everyone will like in the morning?   Well today's recipe is designed for everyone to make their own breakfast danish.  It's Chef Azuki's Assorted Flavor Crescent Rounds.

Assorted Flavor Crescent Rounds

One refrigerated Crescent Round container
Boysenberry Jam or your favorite jam or preserves
Chocolate chips or the chocolate for making chocolate dipped fruit
Brown Sugar
Almond Extract
Powdered Sugar
Almond slices

1.  Follow the directions for opening the container of Crescent rounds
2.  Line the inside of the strip with jam, chocolate chips, brown sugar mixed with almond extract,
     cinnamon mixed with sugar or whatever other combination your heart desires,
3.  Top with almond slices if desired
4.  Cook according to package directions
5.  Sift on a little powdered sugar on top

This is delicious with coffee, tea, hot chocolate or your favorite morning beverage.  Love it!  Sometimes I can't find the crescent rounds so I think I'm going to try it with crescent rolls too.  I'll let you know how that turns out.

BeaNspirations: Everyone shines with their own unique flavor!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Shakin' Chicken Katsu

Summer is officially here for the Azuki BeaN Mamas.  The kids are home and their lazy days are  the mamas' busy ones.  With more meals and snacks to make, summer means... what quick easy meal can I whip up today?  If you're like me and prefer not to fry with all the splattering, try this baked chicken recipe.  I love it!

Shakin' Chicken Katsu

3 lbs of chicken breasts
2 Cups Panko 
1 package Shake'N Bake

1.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
2.  Put 2 Cups of Panko and 1 package of Shake'N Bake in shaker bag
3.  Cut chicken in half length-wise so you end up with two thinner pieces.  You can cut these into 
     smaller pieces if you prefer chicken nuggets.
3.  Wet the chicken and place one or two pieces in shaker bag.
4.  Shake it and put it in a foil lined pan.
5.  Bake for 20 min or until done
6.  Garnish with fresh herbs

This is an easy recipe I'll be using this summer so I can enjoy some lazy days too.  

BeaNspirations: Don't forget to take time to do what you love!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Almond Crescent Roll Cheese Cake

Inspiration surrounds Chef Azuki and this interesting recipe sprung out as a modification of one of the Scouts camping cakes.  Instead of using a dutch oven over a camp fire, Chef Azuki created a beautiful dessert for your home oven.  Almonds and almond extract give it that bit of sophistication needed for a party with adults and children.  Father's Day is this weekend and this easy dessert will be hit with everyone.  Happy Father's Day Papa BeaNs!

Almond Crescent Roll Cheese Cake

1 can refrigerated crescent rolls
1 package cream cheese
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. almond extract
1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup sliced almonds

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2.   Place 1/2 of the crescent rolls in bottom of a sprayed baking pan
3.  Mix cream cheese, sugar, and almond extract
4.  Spread cream cheese mixture over the rolls
5.  Place the remaining crescent rolls on top
6.  Melt butter and pour over the top
7.  Sprinkle on the sliced almonds
8.  Bake for 30 minutes 

This is what I'm making this weekend.  

BeaNspiration:  Inspiration is right in front of you!  

Monday, June 3, 2013

Chef Azuki's Peach Pie

All my peaches are ripening on our tree at the same time, so I gave some to Chef Azuki who made peach pies this weekend.  She gave me her recipe and today I attempted to make her famous peach pie, All By Myself!  Chef Azuki had some errands today, so I was on my own.  With more than a little trepidation, I began.  You see, I have never had much luck with desserts.  But using already made pie crust and starting out with our small delicious peaches was a plus.  The first problem was peeling the peaches.  They are much too small to cut and peel each one without a little help.  Chef Azuki instructed me to parboil the peaches first, so the skin comes off easily.  I put all my peaches in the pot and boiled it.  I checked when the skin would easily come off, then took it off the stove and placed all the peaches into a big bowl of cold water. What do you know, the skin sloughed right off.  With new found confidence I continued the experiment!

Chef Azuki's Peach Pie

Refrigerated Pie Crust - Top and Bottom
4 Cups Peaches
1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 
1 tsp. lemon juice
4 Tbsp. corn syrup

1.  Place 1 thawed pie crust in a pie pan
2.  Press against sides and use fork to poke holes on the bottom and sides
3.  Bake at 350 degrees for 7-8 minutes
4.  Let the pie crust cool
5.  Place cut, pitted peaches, cinnamon, lemon juice and corn syrup in pot
6.  Boil together
7.  Set aside and let cool
8.  Place peach mixture inside pie crust
9.  Cover with second pie crust
10.  Trim excess crust off of edges
11.  Use a fork to press edges together
12.  If edges become brown too soon, cover with foil after about 15 minutes
13.  Bake for total of 20-25 minutes

I even thought I would get fancy and try to make a lattice pie crust top.  With a few minor hang ups, including ripping some of the lattices, I came out with a pretty decent pie.  My oldest baby BeaN, back from college, liked it too.  My pictures came out more faded than the actual pie, so College BeaN enhanced the color on this week's picture.  His verdict on the taste of the pie, Thumbs Up!  

BeaNspiration:  When life is an experiment, there is no fear of failing.