

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Miso Honey Salad Dressing

It's been quite warm this week!  Too hot for Soup! Chef Azuki didn't have to cook dinner for her family so she decided to treat herself with a refreshing salad.  She found lettuce, tomato, avocado,green onions and left over chicken in her refrigerator.  Hmmmm... what kind of dressing?  Chef Azuki spotted the miso (fermented soy bean) paste in the back of her refrigerator and decided to create something tasty!

Miso Honey Salad Dressing

1 T      Miso Paste
2T      Seasoned Rice Vinegar
1 T      Sesame Oil
1 T      Honey
1 tsp    Lemon juice
1/4 tsp Soy sauce

Whisk ingredients together and drizzle the dressing over the salad.  Enjoy!

Beanspiration:  Something sweet combined with something salty can create a honey of a treat!

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