

Monday, May 4, 2015

Quick Spaghetti

What a busy day Chef Azuki has had so far, but loving it!  Dropped off her little BeaNs at school, went to her husband's office and did some major filing.  Noon came around and she went to an office luncheon, soon after she picked up older little BeaN from school then took him to the golf course, ran to the grocery store and picked up younger BeaN at the bus stop.  While younger BeaN was taking a piano lesson, Chef Azuki made her quick spaghetti! (Guess where she is going after piano....Her little BeaN's Baseball game!!!!!)

Quick Spaghetti

1 box (16 oz)Thin Spaghetti
1 lb Sage Pork Sausage
(2) 25 oz. Tomato and Basil bottled pasta sauce (any brand)
1 tsp Garlic powder
1 tsp Onion powder
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Basil
1 tsp Italian Seasoning
1 tsp Soy Sauce
3 T half and half (used to cut the tartness of the tomatoes)

Boil Thin Spaghetti as directed on box.
Saute sausage in a large skillet.  Add sauce.  Mix in the rest of the ingredients.

Simmer for at least 20 minutes.  Pour over the cooked spaghetti noodles and Enjoy!

BeaNspiration:  Life can be busy...enjoy the adventure!

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