

Monday, September 24, 2012

Pumpkin Miso Soup

     We are Chef Azuki and Blogger BeaN, two Japanese American moms.  We will take you through the year with recipes from our hearts.  The spirit of the seasons will be our guide on a a quest to use local produce in wonderful new recipes.  Our goal is to create unique flavors that blend memories from our childhood with the spirit that moves us.  But most importantly, we want to create delicious healthy meals that our kids and husbands will love.  So come and join us this year as we share recipes and look for the magic in every season.
     This Saturday, the harvest moon rises.  It's the moon that looks so large since it rises as the sun sets.  It tugs at our hearts and encourages us to harvest our summer bounty.  This is the same moon that our ancestors, the farmers and fishermen, were looking at.  The big moon smiles down at us, as we pull up the last of the zucchini and make a recipe that tastes of fall, mixed with a little Japanese flair.

Chef Azuki's *JA3G Soup
Pumkin Miso Soup

14.5 oz. can of Chicken Broth
15 oz. can of pumpkin
1 C water
2 Tbsp White Miso
1/8-1/4  tsp pepper
2 potatoes diced
8 peeled baby carrots or 1 large carrot diced
1 medium zucchini diced

Get out your soup pot and mix Chicken Broth, pumpkin, water, and pepper together.  When the soup begins to boil, add the white miso paste.  Stir it in until it melts completely.  Add the diced vegetables and return to boiling.  Cover and lower heat to a simmer until the vegetable are tender.

     Now it is time to savor your Pumpkin Miso Soup brimming with autumn's magic and enjoy the sunset and the moonrise.  It's great on it's own or have it as a compliment to some broiled fish, rice and light cabbage coleslaw.

     Thank you for this wonderful soup, thank you for our ancestors, thank you to the farmers and fishermen, thank you to the earth and...
                        **"Itadakimasu" - "I humbly receive this wonderful food," now let's eat!

*JA3G stands for Japanese American 3rd generation
**Itadakimasu - A Japanese word that is said before meals to express gratitude for the meal

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