

Monday, March 10, 2014

Chinese Chicken Salad (corrected version)

*****New correction to the recipe!  Sorry, Blogger BeaN messed up.  Recipe correction now in!***
                 (I had 2 T seasoned rice vinegar and it should be 6 T seasoned rice vinegar)

I think salad sounds delicious right now and there's nothing better than Chef Azuki's famous chicken salad.  I remember when the weather was hot and my mom didn't want to use the oven or the stove, we'd go to the Chinese Deli down in Atlantic Square and get boxes of Chinese Chicken Salad to munch on during the sweltering summer day.  I'd almost forgotten how much I liked that until Chef Azuki made it for her son's birthday backyard picnic on a sweltering summer day.  Oh yes!  I love the fact that she takes the extra time to slice the won ton skins into strips and fry it to top the salad.  This needed to be in our blog so I can now attempt to make it on my own.  Then, there's no reason to forget about it for years.

Chinese Chicken Salad

1 head of iceberg lettuce
1 bunch of green onions
1/2 package of wonton skins
Oil to fry wontons

4 Tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1/2 C salad oil (canola oil)
2 T sesame oil
6 T seasoned rice vinegar

1.  Debone and shred chicken
2.  Cut the lettuce into strips
3.  Chop the green onions
4.  Toss the lettuce and green onions together in large bowl
5.  Cut the wonton skins into strips
6.  Fry the strips in hot oil until crisp and golden brown
7.  Let the strips cool on a paper towel
8.  Prepare the dressing by whisking the ingredients throughly
9.  Pour the dressing on the lettuce & green onions
10.  Lovingly toss the salad
11.  Add the wonton skins right before serving and toss gently

I love it!  Can't wait to make this for my family!

BeaNspiration:  Bring back traditions from your childhood with love!


  1. Thanks for the recipe. This is my favorite salad.

  2. Alan, thank you for your comment! Please recheck the ingredients, I made a typo. The original blog had 2 T seasoned rice vinegar, please change to 6 T seasoned rice vinegar. I already changed the blog. Sorry Alan and other friends!
