

Monday, March 3, 2014

Hawaiian Pork in a Crock-Pot

It's time to get that crock-pot out!  For some reason, here in California with the dry weather and heat this winter, I never got my crock-pot out.  Well this weekend's rain was a so needed and got me in the mood for more crock-pot meals.  Chef Azuki made this, and it's a sure hit with the kids!  Try her Hawaiian Pork made with a whole boneless pork loin.

Hawaiian Pork in a Crock-Pot

3 lb boneless whole pork loin
2 Tbsp onion salt
1 20 oz can crushed pineapple
1 C teriyaki sauce
1 fresh garlic crushed

1.  Rub the pork loin with onion salt
2.  Place the pork in the crock-pot
3.  Add crushed pineapple, teriyaki sauce and garlic on top of  the pork loin
4.  Cook on low for 6 hours

I love having dinner ready to go.  Chef Azuki, more crock-pot meals, please!  Arigato gozaimasu! Thank you Chef Azuki!

So grateful for the delicious food, so grateful for the rain, so grateful to the universe!

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