

Monday, June 30, 2014

Black Cod

Blogger BeaN's hubby returned from Alaska with Black Cod.  Chef Azuki loves black cod and made this sweet and savory black cod dish for her family.  This fish is soft, silky and moist.  It's a unique and delicious experience.  Try it, you'll love it!

Black Cod

1/2 C mirin
1/2 C water
1/2 C shoyu (soy sauce)
1/4 C sugar
1 T sesame oil
1/4 tsp onion salt
1 bunch of green onions, chopped
4-5 generous filets of black cod

1.  Add mirin, water, shoyu, sugar and sesame oil in bowl
2.  Put the fish in a skillet and pour sauce liberally over the fish
3.  Heat on the stove at medium heat for about 20 minutes
4.  Place the fish in a bowl and spoon some sauce over it
5.  Sprinkle green onions on top

Have this fish with rice and enjoy!  It melts in your mouth!

BeaNspiration:  Be surprised by the flavor and texture of life!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Easy Quiche

Today, Chef Azuki made quiche.  I always thought quiche was difficult, but with ready-made refrigerated pie crusts and left over roasted chicken, this dish was put together in a few minutes. The hardest part was waiting for it to bake.

Easy Quiche

1 ready made refrigerator pie crust
1 1/2 C shredded Mexican blend cheese
4 tsp flour
1 C shredded cooked roasted chicken
3 eggs
1 C milk
1/2 C fresh spinach, chopped

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2.  Line a pie pan with the refrigerator pie crust
3.  Poke holes in the bottom with a fork
4.  Bake pie crust for 5 minutes (this keeps the bottom from getting soggy)
5.  Toss together cheese and flour
6.  Layer cheese mixture, chicken and spinach in crust
6.  Whisk together eggs and milk
7.  Pour the egg mixture over the other ingredients
8.  Bake for 30-40 minutes or until egg is cooked

This was delicious and so much easier to make than I thought.  In a few minutes it's ready for the oven and you can put up your feet and read a book for half an hour while it bakes.

BeaNspiration:  Something exquisite can be made by mixing together the simplest ingredients.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Salmon Steaming in the Oven

Here's a delicious easy way to make fish.  Chef Azuki melds the flavors in foil packages for delicious results!

Steamin' Salmon

1/2 C Sugar
1/2 C Shoyu (Soy Sauce)
1/4 C Mirin
1/2 tsp onion salt
1 tsp sesame oil
3-4 salmon fillets (24 oz)
16 asparagus stalks, remove bottom inch or so (where it snaps off)
1 box of mushrooms
1/2 red bell pepper
1 bunch of green onions

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees
1.  Combine Sugar, shoyu, mirin, onion salt and sesame oil
2.  Split salmon fillets
3.  Slice mushrooms and bell peppers
4. Remove the ends of the asparagus
5.  Chop the onions
6.  Package the salmon, sauce, asparagus, mushrooms, bell pepper and green onions in foil packages
7.  Bake in oven about 20 minutes

Then take it out of the oven and serve.  It's so juicy being steamed in it's own juices in the foil package.  You can even make this on a camping trip.  The little BeaNs ate their fish all up!

BeaNspiration:  Sometimes it's all in the packaging!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Strawberry Almond Tart

Chef Azuki created the most delectable strawberry tart. We both love sweet almond flavor and fragrance and so she combined almond extract with spring strawberries to make an outstanding dessert.

Strawberry Almond Tart

1 C flour
1 tsp. baking powder
tiny pinch of salt
1 stick unsalted butter
1 C sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp. almond extract
1 basket of strawberries sliced
Juice from half a lemon
1 Tbsp extra sugar

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2.  Mix together flour, baking powder and salt
3.  In separate bowl mix butter and sugar until fluffy
4.  Add eggs and beat into butter mixture
5.  Mix in almond extract
6.  Add flour a little at a time and mix together
7.  Put dough in a greased spring-form pan
8.  Place a single layer of sliced strawberries on top
9.  Squeeze lemon juice
10. Sprinkle on sugar
11. Bake in oven 30-40 minutes - until crust is golden
         (times will vary depending on your oven so start checking around 30 min)

The smell of the baking tart is tantalizing.  And the taste and texture is incredible.  It's in between a biscotti and cake.  I keep taking small slices, thinking I'm just tasting it and have almost eaten 1/4 of the tart by myself.  This is one dangerously delicious dessert!

BeaNspiration:  Mix and mingle with those things you love!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Poppy Seeds 'n Berries in Spring Fling Salad

As spring winds down and strawberry season is coming to an end, we're having our last fling with Spring.  Chef Azuki and I went to the grocery store today and just had to get the delicious looking berries that were on sale.  And just like that, Chef Azuki's mind began whirring and she created this refreshing and fantastically beautiful salad.  This is the perfect potluck salad!

Poppy Seed 'n Berries in Spring Fling Salad

2 bags spring mix salad
1 dozen strawberries sliced
1/2 C blackberries
1/4 C raspberries
1/4 C blueberries

1/3 C sugar
1 1/2 tsp poppy seeds
1/3 C seasoned rice vinegar
1 C olive oil
1 tsp onion powder

1.  Prepare the dressing by putting all ingredients in a shaker bottle and shaking vigorously or
     you can whisk it in a bowl.
2.  Place lettuce on a platter and sprinkle the berries on top
3.  If the sugar has settled to the bottom, vigorously shake the dressing bottle and drizzle it on.

Serve on a decorative platter to showcase the treasures of spring.  What a beautiful display this
will make on any table!

BeaNspirations:  Delight you eyes with the bounty of spring and magical feelings arise!