

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Peach Smoothie

It was so hot and humid today!  The Azuki BeaN Mamas were rushing to get some important mail out and tallying up proceeds from their book sale.  Little BeaN meanwhile created this delicious refreshing drink for us.  Love the taste of summer peaches and the sweetness of our Little BeaNs!

Peach Smoothie

1 C ice
3 C orange Juice
2 ripe peaches
1/2 C almond milk
1/4 C half and half

1.  Cut up peaches
2.  Add all the ingredients in a blender
3.  Blend it all together until frothy and delicious!

Thank you Little BeaN for thinking of us.  I guess we can't call you "Little" anymore since you're
way taller than Chef Azuki and I.  Love that you shared your recipe with us.  Thanks for the refreshing smoothie on a hot and hectic day.

BeaNspiration:  It nice to have our kids treat us to wonderful surprises!

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