

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Obon Dangos

Chef Azuki continues to be inspired by the obon carnivals.  Today she decided to try her hand at making Dangos.   They always remind me of the story of Momotaro, the peach boy.  In that story, his adopted mom makes him food when he goes off to fight the monsters.  I always imagined him eating these for dessert.  Like a donut hole, only better!

Obon Dangos


3 C flour
1 C sugar
3 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 eggs
1/2 C milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
Canola oil
*1T sugar
*1 T cinnamon

1.  Combine all the dry ingredients except the * items
2.  Whisk milk and eggs together
3.  Combine dry and wet ingredients until a dough forms
4.  Form small balls with the dough
5.  Heat oil
6.  Deep fry until golden brown
7.  Mix together cinnamon and sugar
8. Roll the hot dangos in cinnamon/sugar
9.  Let cool if you can wait!  Don't burn your mouth.

Now you're ready for some delicious dangos.  Dang!  They're great!

BeaNspiration:  Enjoy a little sweet snack to start you on your journey

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