

Monday, July 7, 2014

Asian style spinach

Today the Little BeaNs were having pizza.  Chef Azuki and I didn't really feel like pizza so we looked in the refrigerator to see what we could quickly whip up.  Chef Azuki had some spinach and a lot of rice that she already had cooking for dinner.  We decided some tofu and spinach would be perfect with the rice.  As usual, Chef Azuki added her special touch and created a  dish with gluten-free tamari light soy sauce.  Hubby BeaN is trying to eat less gluten so we were testing the taste of the gluten-free soy sauce.  It was delicious!

Asian Style Spinach


3 C  coarsely chopped spinach
1 Tbsp gluten free tamari light soy sauce
3 stalks of green onions, chopped
1/2 cloves garlic or a dash of garlic powder
1 1/2 tsp sesame oil
Shaved bonita flakes or sesame seeds for garnish


1.  Wash spinach and put it in a pot.  The leaves will be wet, don't dry it off.
2.  Cover the pot and heat on medium for 5-6 minutes.
3.  Put spinach in a colander and use tongs to squeeze out water,
     pressing it against the side of the colander.
4.  Add soy sauce, chopped green onions, garlic or garlic powder, and sesame oil
5.  Toss together
6.  Put a mound on a small dish and sprinkle with shaved bonita flakes
     or sesame seeds

This was just delicious with tofu cubes and rice.  The spinach was flavorful and delicious and a great compliment to the tofu and rice.  Shaved bonita flakes can be found in Japanese specialty markets.  If you can't find it, sesame seeds are a great substitute.  You can find sesame seeds in the spice area of the supermarket.

BeaNspiration:  Sometimes you can create a little magic with everyday items!

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