

Monday, April 29, 2013

Wasabi Guacamole

 Here’s a new recipe created by Chef Azuki that has you ready for the party!   Whether you’re invited to a Cinco de Mayo celebration or a Children’s Day celebration this weekend, don’t be stressed about what to bring.  Sunday is Cinco de Mayo and the Japanese Boys Day Holiday.   Well, with two reasons to celebrate and a few extra avocados on hand, you too can create this Asian inspired Guacamole.  Grab a bag of Pita Chips or whatever your favorite chips or crackers are and have some fun!

Wasabi Guacamole

1 large or 2 medium avocados   
½ tsp. wasabi
½ tsp. soy sauce
½ cup cilantro
½ garlic salt

Put all the ingredients in a food processor and mix to desired consistency.  

Oh it’s so delicious and so easy.  It’s great to find a new twist on something familiar. 

BeaNspiration:  Go out and experience life!

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