

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Fall is here! Today I went shopping at one of my favorite stores, and they were selling Fresh Brussels Sprouts!  I was so excited to serve this to my family tonight.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

1 stalk of fresh brussels sprouts
Organic olive oil
Garlic Salt

Preheat oven at 350 degrees
Wash off stalk of brussels sprouts
Pat dry
Place in large roasting pan
Drizzle on the organic olive oil
Sprinkle on garlic salt
Place in oven for 30-40 min
Put on a platter and enjoy!

I let my family cut off the ones they want to eat with a butter knife.  Yummy and tender!

Enjoy the moments with your family.  Memories will be created!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Halloween Pumpkin Vegetable Platter

Boo! Did I scare you? The Azuki BeaN mamas have been away from our weekly post due to many planning and marketing sessions!  In the meantime...join the Halloween spirit and try this party tray! I'll guarantee that you will be the talk of the party!

Pumpkin Vegetable Platter


Small Pumpkin cleaned out and carved with a funny (I'm sick look) face
Variety of Vegetables

Place a carved Pumpkin on a tray
Put a small cup or bowl inside and fill it with hummus (representing the brain)
Spread guacamole so it looks like it is coming out of the Jack o lantern's  (pumpkin's) mouth
Surround the vegetables on the platter
Not a pretty sight, but creative!

Share your creative spirit this Halloween and have a "Boo" ti full weekend!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Spicy Garlic Edamame

Oh No!  I need a quick appetizer recipe pronto!  Lucky thing I have the Azuki BeaN Mamas blog as my go to recipe source.  Tonight I'll
make Spicy Garlic Edamame in a jiffy and then tote it off wrapped in a furoshiki!  It really helps when I'm in a frenzy to have a game plan!

Spicy Garlic Edamame

1 lb frozen edamame
3 garlic cloves peeled and crushed
1 T sesame oil
2 T soy sauce
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper

1.  Place edamame and 1/4 C water in  microwave safe bowl
2.  Microwave on high for 5 minutes or cook according to directions
3.  In a separate pan, saute garlic with sesame oil, soy sauce, salt and red pepper
4.  Add the edamame to pan and toss together
5.  Plate the edamame and serve

Everyone will love this!  Have it as a snack or serve as a side dish to your meal.
It'll disappear magically!

BeaNspiration:  Keep calm and remember...there's simple, easy delicious recipes on our blog!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Hawaiian Chicken Wings

Summer is here! I love the beautiful weather we have been experiencing these past few days! The warm evenings make me feel like I am on vacation. Hawaii is one of my favorite places to visit.  The luau I went to a few years back had delicious chicken wings!  This recipe reminds me of that fun day and all the fond memories I had with my family.

Hawaiian Chicken Wings


1 dozen chicken wings
1 1/2 Cups BBQ sauce
1  20oz. can pinapple slices
1/2 Cup ginger salad dressing
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 tsp garlic powder


1.  Preheat broiler
2.  Cut chicken wings in half and then cut off tips
3.  Marinate in BBQ sauce, juice of pineapple slices, ginger dressing, soy sauce, and garlic
     powder for 30 minutes.
4.  Boil for 30 minutes turning every 15 minutes
5.  Garnish with pineapple slices

BeaNspiration:  May your imagination take you to your favorite vacation place!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Asian Kale Salad with Pomegranate Dressing

My husband received some home grown kale yesterday from a wonderful friend of his.  How thoughtful of him to think of my husband and family!  I have a cousin visiting from Japan that loves to try new things so I decided to make a healthy salad.  Wait!  I have pomegranate juice in the back of my refrigerator!  I'll make a dressing out of that!

Asian Kale Salad 
with Pomegranate Dressing

12 oz bag of broccoli slaw
3 C kale cut into small pieces (remove hard center part of leaf)
½ C Cashews chopped
½ C dried cranberries
1 C spicy sprouts

¼ C Pomegranate juice
2 Tbsp. Seasoned Rice Vinegar
2 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. sesame oil
Salt and pepper to taste

1.  In a large bowl put in broccoli slaw, chopped kale, cashews and cranberries
2.  Prepare dressing by whisking together all the ingredients
3.  Pour dressing on the salad and toss
4.  Set for at least 1/2 hour in the refrigerator
5.  If you're making the salad the night before, leave out cashews until the next day

BeaNspiration:  Be thankful for the gifts you receive and share these gifts with your family and friends!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Strawberry Dango Bundt Cake

Bachan (Grandma) wanted me to make Dangos (fried donut like desserts), however I did not have enough oil to fry the dangos.  My strawberries were extremely ripe, but I did not want to waste them. Bachan would say in Japanese...Mottainai! (what a waste!).  I decided to tweak my dango recipe and bake a cake with strawberries.  Bachan loved it!  She said it had the texture and taste of a cake she had growing up.  And the smell of yumminess!

Strawberry Dango Bundt Cake

2 c flour
1/2 c sugar
21/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/2 c milk
1/2 tsp vanilla
15 medium fresh strawberries (chopped)

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl
Pour mixture in a greased bundt pan
Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 min or when toothpick comes out clean

BeaNspiration:  The lesson of "mottainai" echoes from the past.  "No Mo' Mottainai" for me!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

What a delectable dessert.  Hurry and catch the end of the strawberry season and prepare this inspired snack for the family!  Isn't dark chocolate heart healthy?  I'm digging in and having myself a few...and a few more...and...

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

1 bag or container of chocolate pellets for dipping fruit
3-4 baskets of strawberries

1.  Wash, pat dry and let strawberries continue to dry on paper towels
2.  Follow the microwave directions to melt chocolate using a microwavable bowl
      Sometimes microwaves vary, so start out with less time and increase by small intervals,
      stirring with a fork.
3.  When chocolate is perfectly smooth take it out and dip strawberries, one at a time.
4.  Place on wax paper or parchment paper to dry
5.  When it's finished you can design a platter with the strawberries, even place them in
     small cupcake cups like Chef Azuki did.

Beanspirations: Enjoy the light sweetness of spring! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Quick Spaghetti

What a busy day Chef Azuki has had so far, but loving it!  Dropped off her little BeaNs at school, went to her husband's office and did some major filing.  Noon came around and she went to an office luncheon, soon after she picked up older little BeaN from school then took him to the golf course, ran to the grocery store and picked up younger BeaN at the bus stop.  While younger BeaN was taking a piano lesson, Chef Azuki made her quick spaghetti! (Guess where she is going after piano....Her little BeaN's Baseball game!!!!!)

Quick Spaghetti

1 box (16 oz)Thin Spaghetti
1 lb Sage Pork Sausage
(2) 25 oz. Tomato and Basil bottled pasta sauce (any brand)
1 tsp Garlic powder
1 tsp Onion powder
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Basil
1 tsp Italian Seasoning
1 tsp Soy Sauce
3 T half and half (used to cut the tartness of the tomatoes)

Boil Thin Spaghetti as directed on box.
Saute sausage in a large skillet.  Add sauce.  Mix in the rest of the ingredients.

Simmer for at least 20 minutes.  Pour over the cooked spaghetti noodles and Enjoy!

BeaNspiration:  Life can be busy...enjoy the adventure!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Miso Honey Salad Dressing

It's been quite warm this week!  Too hot for Soup! Chef Azuki didn't have to cook dinner for her family so she decided to treat herself with a refreshing salad.  She found lettuce, tomato, avocado,green onions and left over chicken in her refrigerator.  Hmmmm... what kind of dressing?  Chef Azuki spotted the miso (fermented soy bean) paste in the back of her refrigerator and decided to create something tasty!

Miso Honey Salad Dressing

1 T      Miso Paste
2T      Seasoned Rice Vinegar
1 T      Sesame Oil
1 T      Honey
1 tsp    Lemon juice
1/4 tsp Soy sauce

Whisk ingredients together and drizzle the dressing over the salad.  Enjoy!

Beanspiration:  Something sweet combined with something salty can create a honey of a treat!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Sriracha Guacamole

The Azuki BeaN Mamas are Back!!!!!!  Sorry for the delay in bringing you more recipes.  We've been Spring Cleaning and the time just flew by us.  But now we're ready to set forth and create some new recipes, just for you.

I can't believe we still have avocados.  Usually the avocados on our tree are gone by the beginning of March.  Chef Azuki had a lot of ripe ones recently and this is what she made.  Try it, for another unique tasting Asian inspired avocado spread!  It's easy to make and delicious with a plate of veggies!

Sriracha Guacamole


1 Medium avocado
1/4 tsp Sriracha
1/4 tsp shoyu
1/4 tsp garlic powder
A few drops of lemon juice

Mash the ingredients together and it's ready in seconds!  Feel real to double or triple the recipe for the family or a party!

BeaNspirations:  Eating fruits and veggies from the garden is inspiring!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Corn Beef in the Crockpot

It's almost St. Patrick's Day again!!!!!!  Time seems to be flying by and with all our crazy activities with the little BeaNs, we've been a little slow in getting our act and new recipes together for you. Here's a great repeat recipe that you can make in a crock pot.  I love recipes I can set up and cook while I'm running around all day.  I just bought corned beef today so I'm set to take out my crock pot and make this on Tuesday.

Corn Beef and Vegetables in the Crock Pot

1 (4 lb.) corned beef brisket package
4 cups of water
6 oz of Japanese beer
14 baby carrots
10 baby potaotes ( whole or quartered depending on size)
1 onion cut into bite sized pieces
3 celery stalks cut at a diagonal
1/2 Napa Cabbage chopped

1.  Place brisket in crock pot with 4 cups of water.
2.  Add 6 oz or half a bottle of beer
3.  If your brisket comes with a season packet, add the contents into crock pot
4. Cover and set crock pot on high for 6 hours
5.  Reduce to low for 1 1/2 hours
6.  Add carrots, potatoes, onion, celery and cabbage to crock pot for the last hour
7.  Plate onto platter and dig in!

Hope you all have a lucky week!!!!!!!  
I feel lucky already; just knowing Tuesday dinner plans are taken care of!!!!! 
BeaNspiration:  A little planning makes life easier.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Asian Fruit Slaw

Cold slaw is always so refreshing but this delicious slaw brings a whole new kind of refreshing.  By adding fruits to this slaw and omitting mayonnaise, Chef Azuki has made a colorful fresh spring slaw that will tantalize your eyes and mouth.  She made this special treat for a dear friend with rave reviews from all!

Asian Fruit Slaw

1 head of cabbage shredded
1 tsp sesame oil
1/4 C seasoned rice vinegar
1 tsp soy sauce
2 T sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
2 T juice from one orange pieces
Orange pieces
Raspberries and Blueberries

1.  Shred cabbage
2.  Make the dressing by whisking together sesame oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce, sugar,
     salt, pepper, orange juice.
3.  Toss cabbage and dressing together
3.  It would be "mottainai" (wasteful) to throw away the orange after juicing it, so cut it into small            pieces and add to the salad.
4.  Add raspberries and blueberries and gently toss

I love the mix of sweet and savory, soft and crunchy.  Try this delicious Asian Fruit Slaw today!

BeaNspiration:  The mixing of different characteristics creates interest and texture!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fried Rice

Chef Azuki had a lot of left over rice.  Her mother always taught her not to be wasteful.  "Mottainai" is a word that means wasteful and throwing away leftovers is SO mottainai.  Well if you have left over rice what is better than making fried rice.

Fried Rice


5 strips of bacon slice into 3/4” pieces (Reserve 2 Tbsp. bacon oil)
5 Cups of Rice
5 small stalks of green onion
2 eggs
1 Tbsp. Shoyu (soy sauce)
¼ tsp. salt (optional)
1/8 tsp. pepper (optional)

1.     Grab a pan or wok and fry up bacon!
2.     Remove bacon and discard all but 2 Tbsp of oil
3.     Heat oil on medium heat
4.     Add rice
5.     Add bacon and green onions
6.     Gently stir
7.     Open up a hole in the center of the rice so you can see the bottom of the pan
8.     Lightly scramble two eggs and put it in the center
9.     Continue scrambling while cooking
10. When it reaches a soft scramble, start mixing the rice into the egg.
11. Add shoyu (soy sauce) and mix in
12. Taste it 

13. If you think it needs a little more flavor add salt and pepper to taste

Don't worry we're not wasting one kernal of rice.  The family devoured the fried rice!  No more leftovers here.

BeaNspiration:  Don't forget recipes that use up all the leftovers!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

It's time for LOVE!!!!!!!

Some sweets for your sweetie!!!!!!!

Berry Café Tiramisu

½ C ground coffee beans
1 ½ cups of water
½ - 8 oz. container of 1/3 less fat cream cheese tub
1 C of light cool whip
3 tsp. of unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ½ carton of raspberries
1/2 carton of blackberries

1.  Make 1 ½ cups of strong coffee in coffee maker
2.  Beat light cream cheese and cool whip together on high for two minutes
3.  Put thin layer of coffee in flat pan and dip flat side of ladyfingers in for a brief
     moment to soak in cookie halfway
4.  Line the bottom of a 8 by 8 baking pan with soaked lady fingers
5.  Add  ½ cream mixture on top
7.   Dust 1 Tbsp of cocoa powder through a sifter
6.  Add berries scattered 
7.  Then another layer of coffee soaked lady fingers.
8.  The rest of the cream mixure
9.  Another dusting of cocoa powder
10. Cover the top with raspberries
11. Set overnight or at least 3 hours

Grab a big spoon and dig in.  A delicious dessert to share with your sweetie!

BeaNspirations:  Love everyday!

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

1 bag or container of chocolate pellets for dipping fruit
3-4 baskets of strawberries

1.  Wash, pat dry and let strawberries continue to dry on paper towels
2.  Follow the microwave directions to melt chocolate using a microwavable bowl
       (Be careful, microwave times may vary...don't burn the chocolate!)
3.  When chocolate is perfectly smooth take it out and dip strawberries, one at a time.
4.  Place on wax paper or parchment paper to dry
5.  When it's finished you can design a platter with the strawberries, even place them in
     small cupcake cups like Chef Azuki did.

The fresh strawberries are a healthy, lighter alternative to cake.  You still get your chocolate rush.  So mix and match, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and milk chocolate,
satisfying everyone's cravings!

BeaNspiration: Delicious inspiration for romance comes from the simplest things!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Teriyaki Pork Loin Roast

A delicious way to end the day.  Chef Azuki and her family are enjoying a wonderful meal with this pork loin as the main attraction.  It's a great meal when you have some extra time for baking this succulent pork loin.

Teriyaki Pork Loin Roast

3 cloves of crushed garlic
1 T fresh rosemary
1/4 tsp pepper
5 T teriyaki sauce
2 1/2 lb boneless pork loin

1. preheat oven to 400 degrees
2.  Combine the first 4 ingredients together
3.  Rub mixture over pork
4.  Place pork in a foil lined baking pan with the fat side down
5.  Bake for 30 minutes
6.  Flip pork loin and bake for 25 minutes more
7. Remove from oven and it let it stand for 10 minutes
8.  If you want to add more flavor, pour any leftover sauce over the pork

It's ready to slice and serve.  Delicious!!!!!!!!!

BeaNspiration:  Sweet and Savory meals fill your heart and soul.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Egg Dipped Bean Spouts

Chef Azuki had a bag of bean sprouts and created this dish.   Here's a delightful side dish that's sure to please.  Try it tonight!!!!!

Egg Dipped Bean Sprouts


3 eggs
2 tsp water
Bag of bean sprouts

Dipping Sauce
1/4 C memmi
1/2 C water
1/4 tsp ginger
1/8 tsp lemon

1.  Beat the eggs with water
2.  Use tongs and grab some bean sprouts dipping it into egg mixture
3.  Fry in oil
4.  Make the dipping sauce by mixing the memmi, water, ginger and lemon together

That's all there is to it and it's ready to eat.  It'll be gone before you know it.

BeaNspiration:  Sprout out new ideas everyday!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Shrimp Steam-Stir

Can you stir-fry without oil?  Try this delicious recipe that gives you the flavor of stir fry without the oil.  It's wrestling season in my house and I want to fill my wrestling BeaN with lots of protein and veggies without excess fat.  Thank you Chef Azuki for coming to the rescue with another easy 'n wonderful recipe!!!!!!

Shrimp Steam-Stir

1 C frozen shrimp
1 12 oz bag of broccoli
8 stems of asparagus cut in 1" pieces
1 zucchini sliced diagonally
1 red bell pepper sliced lengthwise
1 garlic clove minced

1.  Stir fry all the veges in 1/8 C of water
2.  Cover until the veggies are tender
3.  Optional : salt and pepper to taste

So quick when you have someone hungry NOW!!!!!!

Love it!

BeaNspiration:  Fresh ideas stir those creative juices!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Chinese Chicken Salad

Chef Azuki just went to a Golden Globe Party and brought her delicious Chinese Chicken Salad.
It came out a winner!  Well, with so many occasions for get togethers coming up we decided to repeat a potluck favorite!  Whether it's cheering your favorite Superbowl team, having a romantic Valentine's dinner, celebrating Chinese New Years or throwing an all out Oscar Party, you just can't go wrong with bringing this enticing, refreshing salad.  Take it to your next potluck!

Chinese Chicken Salad

1 head of iceberg lettuce
1 bunch of green onions
1/2 package of wonton skins
Oil to fry wontons

4 Tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1/2 C salad oil (canola oil)
2 T sesame oil
6 T seasoned rice vinegar

1.  Debone and shred chicken
2.  Cut the lettuce into strips
3.  Chop the green onions
4.  Toss the lettuce and green onions together in large bowl
5.  Cut the wonton skins into strips
6.  Fry the strips in hot oil until crisp and golden brown
7.  Let the strips cool on a paper towel
8.  Prepare the dressing by whisking the ingredients throughly
9.  Pour the dressing on the lettuce & green onions
10.  Lovingly toss the salad
11.  Add the wonton skins right before serving and toss gently

BeaNspiration:  There's always a reason to celebrate!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

California Rolls

Today Chef Azuki and her mother were showing me how to make California Rolls.  It's always fun to  cook together.  Chef Azuki and Bachan Azuki made beautiful round rolls.  I think I squeezed mine a little to tight and they turned out to be triangular, but still delicious. This recipe is for a family of four but you can always double or triple it for larger groups.

California Rolls

3 C uncooked rice - about 6 C cooked
3 Tbsp seasoned rice vinegar
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
3 persian cucumbers cut lengthwise
2 avocados sliced lengthwise
4 sticks imitation crab cut lengthwise
Nori (seaweed) large squares

1.  Cook the rice
2.  Add rice vinegar, sugar and salt to the rice
3.  Fan the rice using a paper fan (this makes the rice shiny)
4.  Put the nori on a wooden rolling mat or makisu
5.  Put rice on bottom half the nori (closest to you), make sure rice goes to the ends and sides
6.  Begin rolling it up away from you
7.  You will end up with a nori covered log
8.  Cut the log into 8 round slices
9.  Display in dish or platter

How fun it would be to have friends over for a sushi making party.  You can try using canned crab and mayonnaise or spice it up with sriracha chili sauce.  But the simple imitation crab, cucumbers and avocado is a fresh 'n easy family favorite!!!!!!!

BeaNspiration:  Food art is Magical!!!!!!!